Welcoming you on my site. My life is just like roller coaster, complicated but also fun. Enjoy all of my weirdo stuffs here :)


  1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award.
  2. Pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic.
  3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award.
  4. State 7 things about yourself.

Gue dapet award nih dari Indah! Thank you indaaaaaah ;) OK, karena ada syaratnya jadi gue mau tag award ini ke :
1. Karina Gisella
2.Jessica Andriani
3.Debra Tamara
4.Adissa Rebecca
5.Neyssa Nathania
6.Jessica Clementine
7.Ruth Artia
8.Marissa Edwina
9.Gabriela Zefanya
10.Olivia Erika

Sepuluh orang aja kali ya, males tag banyak2 hehehe. Terus,rules selanjutnya.... 7 things about myself :

1. Pastinya, gue itu cewek.
2. Kata orang2 dan guru2 gue itu bawel expert.
3. Kata temen2 gue, gue itu heboh.
4. Suka banget sama warna2 pastel, apalagi biru.
5. Suka banget sama apapun yang berhubungan dengan Korea, apalagi lagu sama dramanya.
6. Suka jalan2 dan travelling.
7. LOVE Russell di Up sama Pucca (Y)

Itu dulu deh post gue kali ini, byeeeeeeeeee!